Own Your Truth pt. 2

I know. Another part to this? Well, this post talks of the everyday split decisions and choices we follow through in our daily lives…which we regret or end up loving (eventually).

I thought to share some ways in which I’ve worked or dealt with my deepest desires, soul cravings and actualize it into my life.

~Being Honest with yourself

  • Asking the right questions
    1. “What truly matters to me?” is so important in the long run.
    2. Because in the end, we all have the same 24 hours, and it all comes down to prioritizing and creating a sense of balance.
  • Whenever faced with a difficult or challenging time, I just sit down to focus on the 1-3 things I want THE MOST right now.
    1. It can be literally anything from wanting to do well academically, or focusing on some hobby, building deep, meaningful relationships which will last.
    2. Just get intentional about it.
  • No matter how difficult or impossible the situation may be seeming right now, <trust me> The only thing to fear is fear itself.
    1. It is in that moment, in which you decide to face yourself in all its entirety–your strengths, weaknesses, fears, desires, passions despite the mind playing games with you and telling you it can’t be done or that it is impossible.
    2. When you have cut through all the bs, the lies you tell yourself, letting go of other people’s opinions of you becomes that much easier. Cuz I know just how traumatizing it can be to constantly care about what others think.
  • A golden rule for me here is “If it ain’t a hell yeah, it’s a no”

~Deciding to Act

  • Ahhh… I’ll repeat this over and over again. This is the hardest step yet.
    1. “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”
  • So, get yourself really excited/hyped up about your desires and goals.
    • Visualize yourself+ see how it makes you feel…the sparks it creates within.
    • Then, take massive, inspired action till you get it right//
  • Despite all this, I know people who find themselves in a dilemma and hold onto indecisive moments like juggling between “I want this but I also want that.”
    • Say for example, you want to get physically fit before the end of this year. Now obviously, you’ll have to weigh in your sacrifices and how much you need to change yourself before achieving that “hot body”.
    • But at the same time, you are just not ready to leave your junk food or your unhealthy habits and lifestyles behind… can you ever move forward then?
    • It’s really tough love that you show to yourself when you say no to all the things which aren’t serving your growth or progress. It has to come down to one or the other, initially. Later on, you can set boundaries and strike a balance. But never forget to act from your true core values. (In this case, health).


  • Once you’ve decided, there’s really no going back. I MEAN IT. You better too. xD
    1. Anything worth having NEVER comes easy.
    2. It’s OKAY to go through the ups and downs…this feeling of uncertainty will be enough to keep you on your toes and instill hope within you every step of the way.
  • The journey is long, so hold on tight.
    1. Take it slow, if you must but do NOT give up. Go through all the trials…they’re meant to teach you to be stronger and be more patient with yourself.
    2. Never keep taking shots. Do, do, do and do, quite literally. Reflect on what worked and didn’t work and refine yourself.
    3. Adopt the enthusiastic, make it happen mindset. You’ll make it through 🙂

~Fearlessness Being Brave

  • Trust yourself. Be a badass when it comes to going after what you want.
    1. Have the courage to stand up for yourself and your standards.
    2. Don’t settle if you know you got the spark within (I’m hella sure you do) to do better.
  • Get creative and make sure to set your soul on fire. ^^
    • Cuz once you do, you’ll wanna keep coming back for me as it is just so rewarding.
    • Smile, celebrate your small wins, you’re getting one step closer to your goals and improving yourself.
    • Grow out of your negative beliefs and the toxic people who are killing your amazing vibes.
    • Push out of your comfort zones daily. You’ll soon realize your inherent power which was always there since day 1.

Lastly, stay strong, you never know who you’re inspiring.


Own Your Truth

DISCLAIMER: Long rant ahead

“One of the truisms of wholehearted living is, you either walk into your own story and own your truth, or you live outside of your story, hustling for your worthiness.”

If you’re not living your truth, you are living a lie.

I woke up early in the morning, as usual and started my day off with some exercise, followed by a list of other tasks I have to get done for the day. The familiar routinely feeling hits me halfway through my tasks… and I sigh. “Something feels off “, I find myself saying as I get up from my desk for a break. I head into my balcony for some air and automatically I’m met with the incessant humming of the bees and the birds all around. Its serenity fills me up and before I know it, I’m in a meditative trance…almost as if I was floating in the air <haha, I can’t quite explain the feeling>

Next moment I am struck with a profound, yet enlightening thought.

The truth is out there,
the lies are in your mind.
They are a creation of your self-deception

to protect your own wounded self.

“I wondered where that came from”, I chuckled to myself. I hear me asking myself a lingering question…. Who am I becoming?? Do I even like where I am headed, or what I see right now? I knew in that very moment that I got caught in a lie…. a beautiful web weaved by my very own mind. It came to as a subtle awakening of sort as I realized, I have been stagnant for far too long. Indulging in activities, addictions which had a horrible after taste and killed my ability to create far better things.

Come to think of it, any big transformation in my life was a result of me getting tired of my own bullsh*t.

Weird how we don’t even realize the lies we’ve been telling ourselves, isn’t it? All this time, I knew deep down I wasn’t excited and ready to embrace the changes and uncertainties which were unfolding in front of me. Yet, I hoped to pull what off? A lie? That I am improving myself?

  1. Making money, friends, going on dates, parties– whatever you achieve can be taken away from you.
  2. Your life can take a complete 180 degree turn and you can lose all your memories and money or your friends. But, in the end the only thing, you will be left with is “you”.
  3. You can never run away from yourself. The question should be who are you becoming?
  4. The people you talk to, places you choose to go to, the work you do– Do you like who you are becoming?
  5. To improve on yourself–one must work on their internal character instead of external goals.
  6. Imagine what your best version of yourself would look like, talk like, act like with other and self.
  7. Step into that now, do those things–embody the change & start acting from that place, your truth, today.

So, go on, Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk, dance and sing your music. Embrace your blessings and make today worth remembering!

Your truth, your lies!

Your mistakes, your tries!

Why ground yourself with limited trials?

When you can own your smiles and all your cries!
